Through the IMPACT Project we work with farmers and communities through a comprehensive approach ranging from agricultural diversification and improved on-farm and post-harvest practices, sustainable production through natural resource management and increase access to resources such as extension and financial services.
We support farmers in increasing yields, income, and their family’s food security even in harsher growing conditions.
To enhance continuous food production, we work to improve water structures through drilling of new boreholes for crop production. The project target to drill and equip 10 boreholes in Turkwell and Katilu wards. The Program is also rehabilitating irrigation canals.
Through the program farmers have received sets of farming tools, certified seeds and mechanized farm preparation.
Health System Streghthening and access to Health Services
Through the Project we: Mobilizes communities to seek, demand, and utilize health services.
Improve health infrastructure for instance through development of district wide health platforms and dashboards, building sanitation structures like wells and latrines.
We support in enhancing the capacity of health care workers through holding in-service trainings, On the Job Training (OJT) and mentorship sessions, Joint Support Supervision (JSS) visits and conducting Routine Data Quality Audits (RDQA).
Support the health department in increasing access to quality health and nutrition services by conducting integrated health and nutrition outreaches in hard to reach areas and conducting mass screening activities.
We support coordination of nutrition activities through holding of nutrition technical forums at county and sub county levels as well as holding health workers review meetings and Community Health Promoters (CHPs) review meetings. We also actively participate in the National Nutrition Technical Forums (NNTF)
Empowerment of Youth, Women and Local Institutions
Through direct training, demonstrations and technical support, Africare helps government agents, Community-Based Organizations, individuals and wider communities to build their capacity in a wide range of sectors
Prioritizing Gender Equality
IMPACT Program's approach to gender equality encompasses three core principles, which together comprise a strategy that increases women’s participation in the project and ensures that their participation is meaningful.
Project Overview
PanAfricare Kenya Program received funding from Bayer Foundation to implement the Agri-nutrition activities in Turkwell and Katilu Wards in Turkana County.
The project is a response to Turkana County’s chronic malnutrition, drought, and food insecurity.
To help alleviate this problem, it is essential to address the root causes of shocks that undermine the resiliency of communities.
The goal of the IMPACT is to significantly improve nutrition outcomes for pregnant and lactating women and infants and young children (defined as under 5 years of age) in Turkana County within five years, while simultaneously improving food security and resilience for the entire household.