Amekwi Mary, a mother of seven is a woman farmer from Katilu Ward, Turkana South Sub-County. You will find her daily at Israel farm as she is the one responsible for pre and postharvest activities on her piece of land.
Additionally, she still does the routine daily household chores such as cooking, fetching water and taking care of the children. She has been a beneficiary of the IMPACT Program which is aimed at significantly improving nutrition outcomes for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and young children (defined as under five years of age) in Turkana County within five years, while simultaneously improving food security and resilience for the entire household.
Together with her neighbors they were able to do bush clearing and have currently planted spinach, kale, watermelons, capsicum, butternuts, black nightshade, amaranth, cowpeas, green grams and maize. Over the years, she has been trained on Good Agricultural Practices, Post-harvest handling, seedbed preparation and VSLA just but to mention a few. With the knowledge she has gotten, she has continued sharing the information with her fellow beneficiaries under the program.
Her advice and on-site training have resulted in healthy vegetable harvests. With the harvest, she is able to ensure that her family has nutritious meals as well as an extra and independent income that can be used to supplement the household income. The extra income comes in handy especially when there is a need to pay hospital bills and school fees.