PanAfricare Blog

Sustainable Agriculture: The Impact of PanAfricare’s Seed Distribution Initiative


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In the quest for sustainability and enhanced food security, the availability of high-quality and locally adapted seeds is crucial. These seeds not only ensure the success of agricultural projects but also pave the way for improved household income by enabling the sale of surplus produce in local markets. Addressing this vital need, PanAfricare Kenya, with funding from Bayer Fund and in collaboration with the County Government of Turkana, has been driving forward the IMPACT Program within the Katilu and Turkwel wards.

A Flourishing Growth

The IMPACT Program has ushered in agricultural development in these regions, propelling the distribution of over 1.5 Metric tons of assorted seeds to directly benefit 880 farmers. Through this initiative, the farm beneficiaries have been provided with an array of seeds that cater to the unique local hot conditions. One can witness the transformation firsthand at Kaekunyuk in Katilu Ward, Turkana South, where Ekalali Erupe and her fellow farmers diligently nurture their allocated farm spaces.

A Shift Toward Abundance

The IMPACT Program has been a game-changer for these communities. Ekalali Erupe’s story is a testament to the program’s positive impact. Previously, access to vegetables was a distant dream and their availability was dependent on limited resources. Ekalali, now a passionate advocate, encourages fellow women to embrace farming, stressing its role in sustaining households and ensuring food security, particularly for families with children under the age of five.

Diverse Crops

The program provides a variety of seeds that have flourished in the supported farms. Cowpeas, sorghum, watermelon, tomatoes, kales, spinach, OFSP, biofortified beans and butternuts are among the array of crops doing well in enriching the dietary choices and nutritional content of the households. Additionally, the initiative has extended its reach to 200 lead mothers, providing them with conical gardens that guarantee a steady supply of homegrown vegetables.

Fighting Drought with Resilience

In regions faced with recurring droughts, the significance of initiatives like the IMPACT Program cannot be overstated. These efforts improve food security and resilience, acting as a defense against the challenges posed by persistent dry spells.

The distribution of these seeds represents just one aspect of IMPACT Program’s comprehensive strategy designed to strengthen access to highly nutritious vegetables and enhance overall food security.

Capacity Building

The IMPACT Program doesn’t stop at seed distribution. Beneficiaries are equipped with knowledge through training in Good Agricultural Practices, Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA), pre and post-harvest handling techniques and the establishment of water users associations. This holistic approach empowers farmers with the skills and tools needed for success in the dynamic realm of agriculture.

Moving forward, the IMPACT Program stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward self-reliance, food security and sustainable agricultural practices.