PanAfricare Blog

After the drought, rural farmers need more support than ever


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The heartbreaking scenes of hunger, dying animals, dry rivers, and failed crops caused by the long drought remain in the minds of most residents in Northern Kenya. According to the National Drought Management Authority, the drought is estimated to have affected 4.4 million people, including many PanAfricare recipients.

Even with the onset of the long-awaited rains in the drought-stricken regions, countless people living in rural North continue to suffer, having lost their sources of livelihood and food; a situation that has had serious implications for food security.

It is, therefore, critical to dedicate the right support and resources to agriculture programs as they are crucial in helping communities recover from droughts and build resilience for the future.

Agriculture is a key sector affected by drought, when drought strikes, farmers are the worst hit and face challenges like reduced water availability, land degradation, and animal loss. This is where agriculture programs can make a difference by providing farmers with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to adapt to changing conditions and mitigate the impacts of drought.

One important aspect of drought recovery is water management. Such intervention can help farmers learn about efficient irrigation techniques and water conservation. Capacity-building sessions are important in ensuring the farmers have the necessary knowledge.

PanAfricare is supporting the creation of  water management committees 

Another key area of drought recovery is promoting the adoption of drought-resistant crops. By promoting the growing of crops that can withstand dry conditions, farmers can reduce the risk of crop failure during droughts. Additionally, the provision of quality seeds is important in drought recovery programs, it enables farmers to easily and quickly resume farming. Gadam sorghum variety and cowpeas are drought-resistant and fast-maturing, and they are examples of crops that PanAfricare is promoting for adoption by providing seeds to the farmers.

Gadam sorghum growing in Natirae farm, Turkana County

Supporting agriculture programs is crucial for drought recovery and building resilience in vulnerable communities. Recovery may be a slow, painstaking process that requires the right strategies and resources. Getting agriculture back on track is a priority in recovering farmers’ livelihoods. PanAfricare is working tirelessly to align its projects toward sustainable recovery.


Story by Dominic Kosgei, Communications Officer-PanAfricare Kenya